Oklahoma State Board of Nursing
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing main mission is to safeguard and promote the health, safety and welfare of the public in the state of Oklahoma through licensing and approval of qualified individuals assuring their fitness and competence, adopting and enforcing legal standards for nursing education and nursing practice.
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing address is 2915 N Classen, Suite 524, OKC, Oklahoma 73106. Oklahoma State Board of Nursing main phone number is (405) 962-1800 but, you should look at the below OK BON phone numbers directory allowing you to reach out the person you want to talk to directly:
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing main number: (405) 962-1800
OK BON Number (405) 962-1832
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing Phone Number
What is Oklahoma State Board of Nursing phone number?
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing phone number where you can talk to a real person regarding any nursing matters is (405) 962-1800.
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing Fax Number
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing fax number where you can send fax messages, documents, application forms, and complaints using a facsimile machine is (405) 962-1821.
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing Website
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing website where you can get updates, news, executive managers and directors’ details, Coronavirus updates, and special announcements can be reached at the following address:
Oklahoma Board of Nursing Login
Oklahoma Board of Nursing Login using the following website URL to manage your Oklahoma nursing license account and Oklahoma nursing portal:
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing Address
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing address where you can send official mail, documents, application forms, and complaints is:
Oklahoma Board of Nursing (OK BON)
2915 N Classen, Suite 524
OKC, Oklahoma 73106
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing Services & Responsibilities
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing is Oklahoma state nursing health that provides nursing nursing licenses, regulation, and nursing information including:
* Safeguard and Promote Health, Safety, and Welfare.
* Nursing Regulation & Practice Act.
* Nursing Education Programs Review & Approval.
* Nursing License (New, Renewal & Transfer).
* Complaints, Conduct Review & Nursing Peer Review.
* Nursing Law Enforcement.
* APRN Nursing Practice Information.
* Advanced Practice Registered Nurse.
* Nursing Practice Act.
* Nursing Workforce Studies.
* Nurse Endorsement Application.
* Assuring Nursing Fitness and Competence.
* and more.
Oklahoma Board of Nursing License Verification
Oklahoma Board of Nursing License Verification can be performed online on the following Oklahoma State Board of Nursing website here:
Need any help with any nursing license related matters or additional information for Oklahoma State Board of Nursing? Please communicate with us using the comments form below or contact us page – our team is available to help you immediately.
Board of Nursing License to Practice
Discover the fastest path for Board of Nursing license to practice in Oklahoma.
Oklahoma State Board of Nursing phone number provided on this page is free, but please be advised that your communication company may charge you according to your contract. This Oklahoma Board of Nursing phone number will connect you directly with a real person to get help, after the initial welcome message.
This website was created to provide information for Oklahoma State Board of Nursing and board of nursing, nationwide in all states, nurses license, lookup, login, phone numbers, addresses and more. Found new information for Oklahoma State Board of Nursing? please update us and we will verify and update the website accordingly.
This State-Board-of-Nursing.com is an independent directory for state board of nursing, not affiliated with any of the government authorities, board, department, office, commission, or bureau.
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